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Western Focus Seminar
33rd Annual CNS Conference & 36th Annual CNS/CNA
Student Conference
"Building on our past...Building for the future"
TCU Place
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
2012 June 10 - 13
Canada's western provinces, the Yukon and Northwest Territories and Nunavut are home to vast oil,
uranium and other mineral resources. The lions share of oil sand resources lie
in northern Alberta. Saskatchewan's north produces a substantial fraction of the
world's uranium. In recent decades diamond mining has been initiated in Nunavut
and the Northwest Territories. Many of these installations are of a size and
scope to make the prospect of deriving energy needs from small size nuclear
reactors attractive. Far north installations away from water or ground based
energy transport provide additional economic incentive for a highly concentrated
energy source such as nuclear fuel.
This "Western Focus Seminar" was
organized as a supplement to the
CNS Annual conference. Invited presentations focused on issues
relevant to the introduction of nuclear energy into western and northern Canada
for both electricity production and process heat. Topics include electrical
system and industrial energy requirements, alternative reactor concepts, safety
and licensing, and education. The presentations posted here will be
of interest to anyone looking for an opportunity to learn more about
nuclear energy in the context of opportunities in Canada's western and
northern regions. The collection of papers provides interesting insight to
the many variations of small reactors that have been built over the few
decades since the ability to harness nuclear energy was established. Modern
design concepts, many intended to take advantage of lessons learned from
commercial large reactors and mass production techniques are discussed. Some,
notably NuScale and and Babcock and Wilcox mPower, are engaged in the Canadian
Nuclear Safety Commission licensing process.
The conference also attracted over one hundred technical papers which will be
included in the conference proceedings. Readers are referred to the Canadian
Nuclear Society website for more general
conference information.
(When following links in the "program" below, please use the
"Back" arrow of your browser to return to the "program")
Monday, June 11, 14:00 - 17:00 , Western Focus Seminar
- Education
Co-Chairs : Len Simpson, 2nd VP CNS - Laurence Hoye, Professor Emeritus,
University of Lethbridge

Nuclear North of 60: Total Energy Supply for Remote
Human Habitations
Jay Harris (Nuclear Operator, Canadian Nuclear Society)

Distributed Generation in Small Remote Northern Communities
David Malcolm (Yellowknife, NWT)

A Conversational Approach To Teaching About Nuclear Power
Jason Donev (University of Calgary), Yuen-Ying Carpenter (University of Calgary)

Teaching Nuclear Energy: The Challenges of
Interdisciplinarity in the Classroom
Brett McCollum (Mount Royal University, Calgary, AB), Duane Bratt (Mount Royal
University, Calgary, AB)

Saskatchewan Research Council’s SLOWPOKE Reactor-30 Years and
Still Glowing
Brenda Stanek (Saskatchewan Research Council)

Public Involvement in Adaptive Phased Management of Nuclear
Waste Facilities
Denise Chartrand (Royal Roads University), Jason Donev (University of Calgary)

Tuesday June 12 08:00 to 10:05, Western Focus Seminar -
Small Reactors
Co-Chairs: Duane Pendergast, President, Alberta Chapter, CNS - Shaun Ward,
Retired Lethbridge Alderman

The Radix Mini--Modular Reactors For Energy Supply
Paul Farrell, Philip Moor (RADIX Power and Energy Corporation Long Island, NY)

A CANDU-Type Small/Medium Power Reactor
Daniel Meneley (AECL/UOIT)

The Smallest SMRs
Ken S. Kozier (Atomic Energy of Canada Limited)

Molten Salt Reactors and the Oil Sands: Odd Couple or Key to
North American Energy Independence?
D LeBlanc (Ottawa Valley Research Associates Ltd.)

Reactor Technology Selections for Remote Sites
David Carlson (Gen4Energy)

Tuesday, June 12, 10:05 - 11:45, Western Focus Seminar -
Safety & Licensing
Co-Chairs: Duane Pendergast, President, Alberta Chapter, CNS - Shaun Ward,
Retired Lethbridge Alderman

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission - Readiness to Regulate
SMRs in Canada
Stephanie Herstead, Stephen Cook, Marcel De Vos, Barclay Howden (Canadian
Nuclear Safety Commission)

Introducing Small Modular Reactors Into Canada
J.R. Humphries (AMEC NSS Limited)

Fuel Choice, Nuclear Energy, Climate and Carbon
Al Shpyth (EcoMetrix Incorporated)

What is the Appropriate Radiation Level for Evacuations?
Jerry Cuttler (Cuttler & Associates Inc)

Tuesday, June 12, PLENARY III -
Small Modular Reactors
Chair : Bob Walker, AECL-NL

Overview of NuScale Technology
Dan Ingersoll (Director of Research Collaboration, NuScale)

Babcock & Wilcox Generation
Chris Deir (Nuclear Business Development Manager, B&W Canada)

Westinghouse Small Modular
Reactor Design and Application
Ryan Blinn (Westinghouse)

The End
(Prepared 12/08/01